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Business Glossary


This plugin pulls business glossary metadata from a yaml-formatted file. An example of one such file is located in the examples directory here.

CLI based Ingestion

Install the Plugin

pip install 'acryl-datahub[datahub-business-glossary]'

Starter Recipe

Check out the following recipe to get started with ingestion! See below for full configuration options.

For general pointers on writing and running a recipe, see our main recipe guide.

type: datahub-business-glossary
# Coordinates
file: /path/to/business_glossary_yaml
enable_auto_id: true # recommended to set to true so datahub will auto-generate guids from your term names

# sink configs if needed

Config Details

Note that a . is used to denote nested fields in the YAML recipe.

One of string, string(path)
Path to business glossary file to ingest. This can be in the form of a URL or local file YAML.
Generate id field from GlossaryNode and GlossaryTerm's name field
Default: False

Business Glossary File Format

The business glossary source file should be a .yml file with the following top-level keys:

Glossary: the top level keys of the business glossary file

  • version: the version of business glossary file config the config conforms to. Currently the only version released is 1.
  • source: the source format of the terms. Currently only supports DataHub
  • owners: owners contains two nested fields
    • users: (optional) a list of user ids
    • groups: (optional) a list of group ids
  • url: (optional) external url pointing to where the glossary is defined externally, if applicable.
  • nodes: (optional) list of child GlossaryNode objects
  • terms: (optional) list of child GlossaryTerm objects

GlossaryNode: a container of GlossaryNode and GlossaryTerm objects

  • name: name of the node
  • description: description of the node
  • id: (optional) identifier of the node (normally inferred from the name, see enable_auto_id config. Use this if you need a stable identifier)
  • owners: (optional) owners contains two nested fields
    • users: (optional) a list of user ids
    • groups: (optional) a list of group ids
  • terms: (optional) list of child GlossaryTerm objects
  • nodes: (optional) list of child GlossaryNode objects

GlossaryTerm: a term in your business glossary

  • name: name of the term
  • description: description of the term
  • id: (optional) identifier of the term (normally inferred from the name, see enable_auto_id config. Use this if you need a stable identifier)
  • owners: (optional) owners contains two nested fields
    • users: (optional) a list of user ids
    • groups: (optional) a list of group ids
  • term_source: One of EXTERNAL or INTERNAL. Whether the term is coming from an external glossary or one defined in your organization.
  • source_ref: (optional) If external, what is the name of the source the glossary term is coming from?
  • source_url: (optional) If external, what is the url of the source definition?
  • inherits: (optional) List of GlossaryTerm that this term inherits from
  • contains: (optional) List of GlossaryTerm that this term contains
  • custom_properties: A map of key/value pairs of arbitrary custom properties
  • domain: (optional) domain name or domain urn

You can also view an example business glossary file checked in here


Compatible with version 1 of business glossary format. The source will be evolved as we publish newer versions of this format.

Code Coordinates

  • Class Name: datahub.ingestion.source.metadata.business_glossary.BusinessGlossaryFileSource
  • Browse on GitHub


If you've got any questions on configuring ingestion for Business Glossary, feel free to ping us on our Slack.